Central Oregon Irrigation District launches campaign to save water

Bend Bulletin, September 5, 2023

Central Oregon Irrigation District launches campaign to save water

The Central Oregon Irrigation District has kicked off a campaign to educate its patrons on water conservation amid a multiyear drought that has left water for agriculture in short supply.

The Make Every Drop Count program is designed to encourage responsible and efficient water use, according to a news release by the district. Most of the program is centered on an online campaign featuring videos and reading resources on the district’s website. The program also encourages patrons to contact the district to discuss the status of the water rights and available options.

Water rights in Oregon are governed by a complex set of rules based on “first in time, first in right.” According to this rule, irrigation districts that registered their water rights first can draw their maximum allotments before districts with newer water rights get their water. When water is scarce, districts with newer water rights may see their allotments reduced or shut off.

The Central Oregon Irrigation District has kicked off a campaign to educate its patrons on water conservation amid a multiyear drought that has left water for agriculture in short supply.

The Make Every Drop Count program is designed to encourage responsible and efficient water use, according to a news release by the district. Most of the program is centered on an online campaign featuring videos and reading resources on the district’s website. The program also encourages patrons to contact the district to discuss the status of the water rights and available options.

Water rights in Oregon are governed by a complex set of rules based on “first in time, first in right.” According to this rule, irrigation districts that registered their water rights first can draw their maximum allotments before districts with newer water rights get their water. When water is scarce, districts with newer water rights may see their allotments reduced or shut off.

The district spends approximately $200,000 each year to protect water rights and education for patrons, said Talbott. The funds are sourced from its hydropower facility and through rates.

The information campaign includes workarounds for people who don’t need their water every year. This might include instream leasing, which protects an individual’s water rights even if the user wants to leave the allotment in the river. The program also teaches patrons how they can maintain their water rights even if they are part of the instream-leasing program.

“Many patrons don’t know that instream leasing is an option that protects their water rights in years they don’t want to use it on the ground,” said Kate Fitzpatrick, executive director of the Deschutes River Conservancy, a nonprofit that assists Central Oregon Irrigation District in water-conservation projects.

The conservancy incentivizes patrons to lease their water instream with financial compensation. The leased water helps the Deschutes River by increasing its flow rate, benefiting frogs, fish and other wildlife.

“Another important educational point is that using the right amount of water to sustain a crop counts as beneficial use — the full volume of water does not have to be used if it is not necessary. This encourages efficiency and conservation,” said Fitzpatrick.

Central Oregon Irrigation District, home to 3,500 patrons, holds senior rights in Central Oregon based on its 1900 and 1907 water rights. But despite its seniority, the district is curtailing water to its patrons back to 60% of normal this year due to low natural flows in the Deschutes River.